Happy birthday to me, (1981), directed by J. Lee Thompson, stars Melissa Sue Anderson, as Virginia Wainwright, who is celebrating her birthday. When her friends start to die, she begins to be the main suspect in their deaths. She meets Doctor David Faraday, (Glenn Ford), who attempts to get to the bottom of the mystery.
The other members of the cast are: Estelle Wainwright, (Sharon Aker); Ann Thomerson, (Tracey Bregman); Alfred Morris, (Jack Blum); Steve Maxwell, (Matt Craven); Maggie, (Lenore Zann); Rudi, (David Eisner); Amelia, (Lisa Langlois); Bernadette O' Hara, (Lesleh Donaldson). As Lt. Tracy, (Earl Pennington), investigates the murders, the viewer is held in suspense as who the killer is.
"Happy birthday to me", which was shot in 1980, is a good slasher movie that is now uncut on blue ray.
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