In 1980 through to 1981, another slasher movie called "Madman", (released in 1982), arrived after a delay after Tony Maylam's New York set movie "The Burning", (1981). Written and directed by Joe Giannone, and produced by Gary Sales, it is another summer camp slasher like the early "Friday the 13th" series...but with a difference.
The electronic music starts the movie, then the credits begin. A group of twenty-something campers surround themselves around a warm campfire, as a middle-aged counsellor named Max, (Carl Fredericks), tells the story of Madman Marz, (Paul Ehlers), who attacked his family with an axe. He tells them not to speak his name, as they shiver with dread.
At the camp, Richie, (Jimmy Steele), yells out Madman's name. Consequently, there's a shadow in the deep woods of the killer armed with an axe. The other people are: Betsy, (Gaylen Ross, George A. Romero's "Dawn of the Dead", 1978), as "Alexis Dubin), who is dating TP, (Tony Fish); Stacy, (Harriet Bass); Dave, (Seth Jones); Ellie, (Jan Claire); Bill, (Alex Murphy). The rest of the cast are: Tommy, (Tom Veilleux); Jimmy, (Stephen Clark); Mary Ellen, (Vicki Kenneally); and Jeanie, (Lori Mathes).
Poking fun at killers isn't funny..."Madman", (1982).
Gaylen Ross returns from battling zombies to a monster in the woods..."Madman", (1982).
As night falls, everyone falls victim to the Madman. Gaylen Ross struggles to fight the killer. She uses a shot gun, and attempts to contact Max in town. In short, she battles him in a house. "Madman", is the only horror movie, like "The Burning", (1981), not to have a sequel, prequel, or re-make. It stands alone as an underrated movie from the 1980's.
The Madman isn't Freddy, nor Cropsy, Michael Myers, or Jason Voorhees. But he is as scary as them all with one horror movie..."Madman", (1982).
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